I know next to nothing about Call To Mind, other than they are scottish and currently unsigned, and their four members are Andy, Jamie, Joe and Martin. They don't even list their influences on their MySpace page, but I hear bits of Boards Of Canada, Sigur Ros and Mogwai (minus the 'heavy' bits). How to describe them? Indie? Too vague. Ambient? Part of me wants to say 'shoegazing' but somehow this is something different. Of this sounds like your bag you might have to figure it out for yourself. But this is music born of the severe winters of scotland and the beauty that still lies in it.
There are six tracks on their MySpace page, of which these two are my favourite:
Call To Mind -'Untitled.' mp3
Call To Mind -'The Collapse.' mp3
The other four tracks can be downloaded from their MySpace page, and if you like these, I suggest you do so!
Any info gratefull received...etc..
This appeared on my MySpace page:
thank you ed, glad you like
we're a bit shy..... sorry for being so vague :)
from the highlands, a village right on the the moray firth... we've been on the go two and a bit years... not really done that much.. pottering away in a barn.. played at iceland airwaves festival.. main stage at rockness this year...
all the best to you for 2008!
Call To Mind sound to me like a band who could go on and do great stuff later on. As it is, they'll have to make do with 'in a different league to their unsigned myspace peers.' It's kinda weird to see an unsigned myspace band that don't sound like they've made the music just to put it on a web page. keep it going kids.
As for Mogwai - Mogwai remind me of Slint but without the good bits. Mogwai make my ears puke. Slint were the JS Bach of the 20th century.
stunning / open-mouthed etc... this is beyond exceptional
my new favourite band
thanks for sharing ed :)
ps, talking abooot scottish myspace bands, have you checked out welcome to spook club? listen to their song 'robert was king' - this is my song-of-the-moment just now and i can't hear it often enough... :)
pps, all the best for 2008
''Another anonymous'' -sounds like praise, overall. interesting comment about Slint; only have Spiderland, which is an exceptional album, thought I heard glimpses of Slint in Call To Mind.
Colin -thought they might be up your street. Have yet to hear Welcome To Spook Club but will check them out.
good find. haven't stopped listening to their stuff.
keep up the good work ctm.
Very impressed still...
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