The reason for the title of this post has almost nothing to do with ms. Dax; rather, that yesterday I received feedback from a reader called AJ saying that he/she couldn't find the track and had looked everywhere for it. So I said would post it, and AJ was so delighted he/she said that they would sacrifice their firstborn...and we couldn't have that, could we?!
Anyway, first up, from a 1988 12" single, the song that scared and intrigued an eleven year old boy, Cathouse:
Danielle Dax -'Cathouse.' mp3
... from another 1980s 12" single, 'White Knuckle Ride.'
Danielle Dax -'White Knuckle Ride.' mp3
and finally, off a goth compilation called Nocturnal, this is BIG HOLLOW MAN
Danielle Dax -'Big Hollow Man.' mp3
Whilst I am not a big authority on Danielle Dax, you might like to try these sites:
Danielle Dax Homepage
Danielle Dax official site (under construction when I looked)
This wikipedia entry alas suggests she is either on hiatus or retirement from the music industry
Her official mySpace page is maintained by her old friend and bandmate, Karl Blake.
Hope you enjoy this, and if people can direct us to where Danielle dax's music can be bought more easily, please do!
thank you, in light of not wanting the sacrifice of the first born, i fed the cat instead, thank you again, you have found one of the holy grails of my ceaseless tune hunting and trying to recover songs from vinyl that have long since been lost / stolen / borrowed
You're welcome, AJ, glad to be of assistance.
You're welcome, AJ, glad to be of assistance.
Nice post ED! So great to see fans are still craving all things Danielle. In her time, she dropped some amazing discs - from her more notable SIRE releases, to her twisted, dark, obscure, enthralling releases on Biter of Thorpe. Last I heard, she was working as an interior designer. An odd but sensible "where are they now" outcome from an artist who once scared the living **** out of me with those disturbing but vital Lemon Kittens albums. Why "Afraid of being bled by leeches" never made Top of the Pops is beyond me.
Apparently she has been on various UK interior design programmes -guess YouTube and the BBC website might be the place to start!
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