Talk about gigs you wish you had been to. Imagine seeing the Cure and Joy Division on the same bill. For a Pound. *Sigh*
Or getting to see Edinburgh The Scars with The Cure.
Still, I have seen the Cure five times over the years, so I cannot complain.
This Scars track was not on their re-issued Author! Author! album last year, but seems to be much in demand, so here goes:
The Scars -'Adult/ery.' mp3
The Scars' Myspace is here
The Cure still suprise me as a live act. I kinda thought they would be a bit boring since all the do is pretty much stand and play but each time I saw them (three for me) I walked away in awe of their brilliance live. Not to mention Robert Smith is actually kinda funny...
No question, the man has a great sense of humour. And they play for three hours, with no support, often making them feel far better value for money than many other acts.
<smug mode> I was there </smug mode> (at the Cure/Joy Division gig :)) I think I was also at the Cure/Fashion one as well, having a mate who was a big Fashion fan/victim.
I was at college in London '78-82 and pretty much went and saw The Cure whenever they played in or near the capital, clocking up nearly 20 Cure gigs (it may even have been 17).
Unfortunately I missed half of Joy Division’s set that night, but Ian Curtis and Ice Age (funnily enough) both made a suitable impression, and I saw JD on a further four occasions.
My first Cure gig was also at the Marquee, the week they released Killing An Arab (on Small Wonder) in Dec ‘78.
My last Cure gig was at the Hammersmith Palais in late ’81 when a certain U2 were the support band that day. Although a good section of the crowd had come to see U2 a good section of the Cure punters didn’t take to U2 (who were building up to their full pomp and took themselves very seriously at the time) and booed nearly every song. Oh what jolly japes...
My wife tracked down a copy of Killing An Arab on Small Wonder as a birthday present for me a couple of years ago and it's one of my most treasured records.
I'm not jealous about you having seen The Cure that many times...oh, who am I trying to kid, I am, very envious, but I was only five in late '81, so ...sigh...
For a quid too!
For a quid too!
Oh, go on, rub it in!
mind you, I did see Jeff Buckley, so I guess that's something...
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