Fuck Buttons -'Street Horrrsing.' (ATP)
Some people might seem designed to commit commercial suicide. Such people might include Andrew Hung and Benjamin John Power. After all, will major record chains stock a record with that name? And what about the supermarkets?
Fortunately, most people who will enjoy this sort of music won't be the sort of people who buy their music from major record chains or supermarkets. If you can look beyond the name, you'll hear one of the best albums to be released this year so far (up there, for me, with Benga). Signed to the ATP label (All Tomorrow's Parties -well, it wasn't going to be a major, was it?), their record company label website states that " Initially the group was born as an outlet for their nihilistic-noise tendencies but quickly, the two Fuck Buttons realised they could harness the use of noise as a tool to immerse and evoke. No longer afraid of melody or rhythm, the group started fusing all these elements to the point when drone becomes melody becomes rhythm." And therein lies the wonderful side of this record. Sometimes evoking Four Tet, sometimes My Bloody Valentine, Sometimes Wolf Eyes, and sometimes all three of those acts at the same time, FB really do take noise to a place where it becomes beautiful, and this is an album to lose yourself in, as much to find yourself in. Whether you consider this avant-garde or commercial, that's by the by. This is a record that needs and deserves to be heard, appreciated, enjoyed and lived with for a very long time.
I have tried hard not to issue many Five Star reviews to albums in the eighteen months plus I've been writing this blog. But the sheer amazement on hearing this album means it gets it hands down. Utterly astounding.
Fuck Buttons -'Sweet Love For Planet Earth.' mp3
Fuck Buttons -'Ribs Out.' mp3
PLEASE NOTE: As always, if you like what you hear, please support the artists by buying the album, going to shows, telling friends etc..
Fuck Buttons Website/MySpace
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