Glasvegas -'Glasvegas.' (Columbia/Sony)
...And so here it comes. Possibly the most anticipated debut of the year, and one of the most anticipated debuts from Scotland ever. Unknown and unsigned a year ago, the fever of anticipation surrounding Glasvegas is such that you can already sense some people sharpening the knives, ready to cut them down to size. Sometimes I feel there's a sense of 'indie snob' mentality ingrained not just on the scottish psyche but Britain as a whole.
Which is a damn shame, frankly. Because, forget that they're getting so much civerage, Glasvegas deserve it, frankly. Over the course of 10 songs in forty-one minutes, this is a debut that sets out its' stall and lives up to the promise like we needed it to. Right from the gorgeously long intro of 'Flowers & Football Tops' (re-recorded from its' place as the b-side to the original version of 'Daddy's Gone') to the final notes of Ice Cream Van, this is a brilliant album from start to finish.
Comparisons have been made with the Jesus and Mary Chain, Phil Spector and sixties girl bands, but Glasvegas are ploughing their own furrow (one which will hopefully not be filled with A&R men looking for copyists). There's a desperate sadness and yet uplifting euphoria often at the same time. Perhaps Glasvegas have mastered the art of taking songs that can be as sad, lonely and angry as Elvis Costello's 'I Want You' with the euphoria of the singalong songs from Oasis' first two LPs at the same time.
'Daddy's Gone' will almost certainly inspire-mass singalongs at festivals, and if this doesn't move you, God help you. The angry retort of a boy whose Father has left the family can bring a lump to my throat, no matter how many times I've heard it. (Excuse me, just something in my eye. *Cough*). 'Stabbed' on the other hand is a short and ultra-bleak almost-meditation that takes Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata as the musical background for its' tale. And best of all, it's one of those albums that you have to play again the minute it stops; this is starting to cause discussions in 17 Seconds Towers already.
Do yourselves a favour: I've been bigging up this band, and so have many others, for months. Know what? They deserve every bit of praise that comes their way.
Don't copy this, go and buy it.
Glasvegas' website/Glasvegas' mySpace
Hi Ed,
Saw them last night at the QMU, have been eagerly waiting for this gig for a couple of months. They were outstanding from the start with Flowers and Football Tops to the last strains of Daddy's Gone, the atmosphere was electric. My only gripe is it was over far too soon, but the forty odd minutes that we got were brilliant, the sound has really improved since I last saw them.
Can't wait to get the album on, however it was ordered from HMV aand i was told that it was on it's way on wednesday, so should get it about the middle of next week.
One last thought why would you go to a gig as a group and then talk all the way through the fucking thing, I really can't get to grips with that, there was a group of 4 girls next to us who really could have been anywhere as they were discussing their sex lives, where they were going next , blah fucking blah.
Going Sunday in Edinburgh, cannot WAIT!
I'm mildly disappointed that Go Square Go reverted more to the demo version than the single version - I really liked the intro on the single - but otherwise I'm pleased with the album, I'd half expected it to be a let down since I've been hearing most of the songs on it in various forms for months.
Oh and I ordered it from HMV too, sent on Wednesday, arrived yesterday, yay.
The build-up surrounding this album has been getting intense, but it's credit to Glasvegas that they have truly delivered!
Well worth the wait, it's a brilliant debut. 5/5 for me :)
Here's hoping for a big album hit very soon for them. Bet they will slay the polls in the music magazines come the end of the year.
Apart from Stabbed and the ridicolous use of Beethoven Moonlight Sonata, it is a good album indeed but the stripped down early demos and gigs were probably even better.
If you want to see them live, pictures and more reviews come to see me at liveon35mm.com
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