Friday, December 28, 2007

Getting excited for 2008

Christmas is over, and it's time to look ahead to what's going to be big. I can no more rub a crystal ball than anyone else can (well, except the people who have crystal balls, I suppose), but there's things bubbling away that suggest 2008 could be just as good as 2007.

Bands like Foals. I'd heard bits and pieces over 2007, and they'd kinda joined the list of bands that I knew i ought to get round to writing about very soon, if only other things didn't keep getting in th way. Anyway, these guys dropped out of university at Oxford after a year (no idea where in Oxford) and set about making some extremely exciting danceable stuff. And their forthcoming album Antidotes is getting people just as excited about what is getting left off as getting put on it.

Give these a listen and see what you think...

Foals -'Brazil Is Here.' mp3

Foals -'Hummer.' mp3

Foals -'Mathletics.' mp3

Foals -'Balloons.' mp3

Foals' MySpace is here and their official website is here

Let me know what you think...


Anonymous said...

bandwidth exceeded :(
you should leave fileden and try :)

Ed said...

Will investigate, have dealt with bandwith issue for now...Ed

Anonymous said...

or use hotlinkfiles

i use them and they bandwidth seems to go on forever. thoroughly recommended...

Ed said...

Currently very happy with Mediafire, but will bear in mind...

thank you for the recommendation.
