Sunday, November 30, 2008

Countdown to Christmas Post #4

Hello again.

It's offensively cold here.

Yesterday Mrs. 17 Seconds and I briefly went Christmas shopping. I will never understand the concept of retail therapy. Way too many people - who kept getting in my personal space.

This seemed appropriate...

Housewives On Prozac -'I Broke My Arm Christmas Shopping At The Mall.' mp3


a Tart said...

Now see, this is a situation where Morris dancing would come in handy, ;)

Nuzz Prowlin' Wolf said...

You and me both!

Ed said...

Tart - believe me, it's so icy out there this morning it would be a safety tisk

Nuzz - I take it you refer to Xmas shopping? I can't stand the high st at this time of year, recession or no recession...